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As from Feb. 2nd, 2019 this page will no longer be updated. New books and other new items for sale in Boekie Woekie are now added to the shopping cart website Though some prices on this page may have changed, most of what is listed here is still available. Please mail your order or question to


A Tree-Tie For Odintune Place

by Simon Cutts and Erica Van Horn, BOX with a laminated plastic strip with a text, numbered/20, 1998

EUR 55.-

MU A Tree-Tie For Odintune Place.JPG
MU A Tree-Tie For Odintune Place

Bal, Eduard

Le Dernier Livre De Schmoll

would be LP RECORD (had it not a collage from music paper on both sides), numbered/50, signed, Antwerpen 1977

(price on request)
MU Bal Le Dernier Livre De Schmoll.jpg
MU Bal Le Dernier Livre De Schmoll

Barba, Rosa

Edition Spaltenfelder

fold out lightbox the size of a video cassette, with power adapter, contains a translucent print from her film Spaltenfelder/Split Fields (2003), numbered/12, signed

EUR 210.-

MU Barba
        Edition Spaltenfelder 2.jpg MU Barba Edition Spaltenfelder
MU Barba Edition Spaltenfelder

Beckmans, Fredie


real size hand made birdhouses from wood painted white and hand-written in black all over them - the names of many birds as a reference to "The Birds" by Aristophanes, to the bird city in the air, as the border between men and the gods, while each birdhouse is somewhat different in size, the lettering is quite different and the language of the bird names can vary too, signed

check the shopping cart section of for the availability of this item

MU Beckmans Wolkenkoekoekstad.JPG
MU Beckmans Wolkenkoekoekstad

produced by the artists of Boekie Woekie:
Egten, Henriëtte van
Art Is To Live
jar with "artist olive", 2nd edition numbered/25, signed
EUR 60.-
MU Egten Artistolive.jpg
MU Egten Art Is To Live 2nd edition

Ei - Glas For Heidi Hoffmann
by workfortheeyetodo, BOX with object (eye- or egg-glass)
EUR 40.-
ei glas hor heidi hoffmann
MU Ei - Glas For Heidi Hoffmann

produced by the artists of Boekie Woekie:

Elle Ne Fume Pas
by Henriëtte van Egten + Jan Voss, a toy pipe type "Magritte" and a she-shaped cocktail-stirrer as pipe smoke on a piece of marble, 2nd ed., signed by both, (Amsterdam) 1994

EUR 150,00

MU Elle Ne Fume Pas by Henriette van Egten and Jan
MU Elle Ne Fume Pas by Henriette van Egten and Jan Voss

produced by the artists of Boekie Woekie:

by Henriëtte van Egten + Jan Voss, 5 ceramic plates the format of small movie screens equipped to be hung on a wall, with each the word "end" in one of 5 languages under the glazing, and a movie filmed with the eyes of someone eating his dinner, plates signed by both, since 1988

EUR 1500.-
MU Ende.jpg
MU Ende

Finlay, Alec

Reading Ribbon

a handkerchief laudry label with the stitched words “reading ribbon” in a signed envelope
check the shopping cart section of for the availability of this item
 MU Finlay Reading Ribbon.JPG
MU Finlay Reading Ribbon

Finlay, Alec
Thought Cloud Tea Cup
a tea cup on a saucer with a thought cloud drawing at the bottom of the cup
EUR 24,50
Finlay Thought Cloud Tea Cup
MU Finlay Thought Cloud Tea Cup

For A New Coracle, 1991

a labelled plastic box with a cushion on which something which maybe is a small cream whipper, 4 x 22 x 2 cm

EUR 18,00

MU For A New Coracle, 1991.jpg
MU For A New Coracle, 1991

Free Access
compiled by Guy Schraenen, on the occasion of an exhibition of multiples, Leuven 1994 see also

Frowein, Cordula
record player with a book on the turn table
EUR 400.-
MU Frowein Records

Gilbert, Sharon

Urban Renewal

"a standard matchbook was altered to comment on our volatile society in the aftermath of the LA riots and particularly on the power of simplistic solutions", numbered/300, signed, (New York) 1990

EUR 4.-

MU Gilbert Urban Renewal

Hack, Hermann Josef
Original-Sediment Vom Meeresboden Vor Nordgrönland
boxed small corked glass tube with what the title says
EUR 6.-
MU Hack Original-Sediment Vom Meeresboden Vor
MU Hack Original-Sediment Vom Meeresboden Vor Nordgronland

Hendricks, Geoffrey

A Universal Sky

BOX with image of the solar system and many small objects rolling around inside it, numbered/12, signed, Köln 1991

EUR 655.-
Hendricks A Universal Sky.jpg
MU Hendricks A Universal Sky

Hoedeman, Cornelia

Dutch Cowboy In His Own Meadow

small wooden shoe painted in cow design and a square field of plastic grass, ed/50, signed, Amsterdam 1994

check the shopping cart section of for the availability of this item

MU Hoedeman Dutch Cowboy In His Own Meadow

Hoedeman, Cornelia

Kopje Koffie

cup and saucer, covered with ground coffee, in a small edition, 1994

check the shopping cart section of for the availability of this item
MU Hoedeman Kopje Koffie

Hutchins, Alice
Magnetic Attraction
plastic box with a plaything and a handwritten explanation, numbered/40, signed, 1993
EUR 145,00
Hutchins Magnetic Attractions.jpg
MU Hutchins Magnetic Attraction

Iannone, Dorothy

Dorothy Iannone And Her Friends Play With The Ouija Board

BOX with a screen printed image on its cover, a handpainted ouija board, and hand painted plates with examples of games with George Brecht, Robert Filliou, Emil Schult, Ben Vautier, Eric Dietman, Konrad Klapheck, André Thomkins, Jan Voss, numbered/20, signed, Köln 1994

(price on request)
Iannone Dorothy Iannone And Her Friends Play With
            The Ouija Board.JPG

MU Iannone Dorothy Iannone And Her Friends Play With The Ouija Board

Jaschke, Gerhard
Dose Does
stamped flat empty beverage can, numbered, monogrammed (2000)
check the shopping cart section of for the availability of this item
MU Jaschke Dose Does.jpg
MU Jaschke Dose Does

Klintberg, Bengt af

Orange Event Nr.3

wooden BOX (28 x 27,5 x 4 cm) with the wrapping paper of an orange, a photograph of orange segments and an instruction sheet for an event, numbered/50, signed, (Köln) 1992

(price on request)
 MU Klintberg Orange Event Nr.3 open.jpg MU Klintberg Orange Event
      Nr.3 closed.jpg
MU Klintberg Orange Event Nr.3

Kommissar Hjuler
(no title)

set of 10 colour photographs (12,5 x 9 cm) of art works in and around the home of the artist couple, in one of the photographs one sees the pregnant “Mama Bär”, the images are wrapped up in a green paper napkin and placed together with pencil sharpening debris in a box (14,5 x 10,5 x 1,5 cm), numbered/4, (SHMF-105)
EUR 20,00
Kommissar no title
MU Kommissar Hjuler no title

Kommissar Hjuler
pink, white and beige formerly soft but now hardened masses in a small open box (6 x 5,5 x 1,5 cm) (SHMF-Brotkatze 4)
EUR 18,00
MU Kommissar Hjuler Brotkatze.jpg
MU Kommissar Hjuler Brotkatze

Kuipers, Leonie

Monologue S’exterieur

a golden paper wrapping - when unfolded - reveals a black condom and on its interior a poem in Dutch, 6 x 6 cm, n.d. n.p.

EUR 5.-

Kuipers Monologue S'exterirur.JPG
MU Kuipers Monologue Sexterieur

Lai, Sylvia
Cup Of Coffee
boxed: a cup made from coffee, 10,5 x 10,5 x 10,5 cm,
check the shopping cart section of for the availability of this item
MU Lai Cup Of Coffee.jpg
MU Lai Cup Of Coffee

Mariekas, Las

 (unique handmade tiles)

hand decorated small Delft Blue style tiles (9,5 x 9,5 cm) with hand written sentences like “money might not buy love but it buys art”, (Amsterdam)

EUR 15,00

MU Mariekas unique handmade tiles.jpg
MU Mariekas unique handmade tiles

Marroquin, Raul

(The) Adventures Of Honey West “Binoculars”

a card board box (6 x 14,5 x 6 cm) with stills from a telenovela stuck to the outside containing a memory stick with that movie with speech balloons by the artist, and a pair of model binoculars which a dummy could mistake for sushis, numbered/25, signed, 2012

(price on request)

MU Marroquin The Adventures Of Honey West Binoculars
      open.jpg MU Marroquin The Adventures
      Of Honey West Binoculars.jpg
MU Marroquin The Adventures Of Honey West Binoculars

Marroquin, Raul
Aguacero  Raining Cats & Dogs
multiple in cardboard box, prototype, signed, 1986
(price on request)
Marroquin Aguacero
MU Marroquin Aguacero  Raining Cats and Dogs

Marroquin, Raul
Frog Legs
multiple in hamburger box a toy frog with key, numbered/25, signed, 1978
(price on request)
Marroquin Frog Legs
MU Marroquin Frog Legs

Marroquin, Raul
Gold Bar
empty chocolade BOX from light cardboard made look golden with the help of printing techniques, numbered/50, signed, 1998
(price on request)
Marroquin Gold Bar
MU Marroquin Gold Bar

Marroquin, Raul
L’Eau De Paris As Second Best  Grrr!!!
wooden box (36 x 19 x 10,5 cm) with 2 compartments, each containing a water bottle, (prototype of multiple), signed, 2001
(price on request)
Marroquin Second Best
MU Marroquin L Eau De Paris As Second Best  Grrr

Marroquin, Raul

Landing In Sao Paolo

cardboard BOX (15,5 x 24 x 8,5 cm) with a transparant CD or DVD dummy in a sleeve with a screen shot suggesting a landing in S.P.” and a laminated photograph of “landing in S.P.”: the buildings one would see from the plane as drawn and cut out models attatched to a wall and 10 such signed and numbered “buildings” each in a little plastic pouch, prototype (of a multiple), signed, 2003

(price on request)
 MU Marroquin Landing In Sao
MU Marroquin Landing In Sao Paolo

Marroquin, Raul
BOX with "pearls" (prototype) priced by weight of pearls, signed 1983
(price on request)
Marroquin Pearls
MU Marroquin Pearls

Marroquin, Raul
Precision Instruments: Measuring Tape
one of the artist's measuring devices, in original packing, numbered/25, signed, 1999
(price on request)
MU Marroquin Precision Instruments Measuring Tape.jpg
MU Marroquin Precision Instruments Measuring Tape

Marroquin, Raul
Precision Instruments: Ruler
one of the artist's measuring devices, handpainted, numbered/25, signed, 1996
(price on request)
Marroquin Ruler
MU Marroquin Precision Instruments Ruler

Marroquin, Raul
Precision Instruments: Solar Pocket Calculator
one of the artist's measuring devices, in plastic sleeve, numbered/25, signed, 1999
(price on request)
marroquin Precision Instruments Solar Pocket Calculator
MU Marroquin Precision Instruments Solar Pocket Calculator

Marroquin, Raul
Snow Storm Ready To Storm
transparent box with cotton pads, prototype, signed, 1986
(price on request)
MU Marroquin Snow Storm Ready to Storm.jpg  
MU Marroquin Snow Storm Ready To Storm

Marroquin, Raul

Unopened Envelop

boxed envelope from thick tin, prototype, signed, 1995

(price on request)

MU Marroquin Unopened Envelop.jpg
MU Marroquin Unopened Envelop

(mesostic plant poem plaque)
poems resulting from words sprouting out from the letters of the names of plants, plaques are 10 x 6,5 cm with holes for screws in the corners, a work by various people, realized by Alec Finlay
EUR 21,50
mesostic plant
      poem plaque
MU mesostic plant poem plaque

Moreaux, Jean

(small ceramic sculptures)

small, painted ceramic sculptures, consisting of one part

EUR 65,00

MU Moreaux small ceramic sculpture (consisting of 1
      part).JPG (sample image)
MU Moreaux small ceramic sculpture consisting of 1 part

Moreaux, Jean

(small ceramic sculptures)

small, painted ceramic sculptures, consisting of two parts

EUR 85,00

MU Moreaux small ceramic sculpture (consisting of 2
      parts).JPG (sample image)
MU Moreaux small ceramic sculpture consisting of 2 parts

Multiples En Andere Multiples
a catalogue in the form of a photograph album made to look like a photo camera - or 2 volumes in a slip case, edited and with a text in Flemish and French by Guy Schraenen, ... see also

Myers, Rick
Index Debris
the special edition of R.M.’s book “Paper Poems”, in a cardboard box (28,5 x 18 x 8,5 cm): the little book and a cast in form of a pyramid from something like gypsum signed and numbered/25 with on one of its sides a few words, and a string with 4 flags from paper, one of them wrinkled-up, all of them also showing words, 2006
EUR 350,00
Myers Index Debris.JPG
MU Myers Index Debris

Myers, Rick
Paper / Memory
in a box numbered/55 and 28 x 21,5 x 4 cm in size: part of a paper plate (numbered/55) with embossed teeth marks, then a delicate photo (numbered/55, signed) of what looks like a sculptural construction from paper in progress (19 x 24,5), then the book Bite Marks In Paper, on the occasion of an exhibition containing photos of delicately lit paper surfaces with bite marks, the embossed bite marks can make one think of desert landscapes, stapled, 32 not numbered pages, 25,5 x 19,5 cm, (Zürich) 2007, and then Epitome, a booklet showing bite mark photos with a grid which enhances their being photos of three dimensional things, sewn with a folded poster for an exhibition in Japan by R.M. as a dust jacket, 16 not numbered pages, 20 x 14,5 cm, and a card with a poem, Manchester 2007
EUR 300,00
Myers Paper - Memory.JPG
MU Myers Paper Memory

Myers, Rick
Project Record Record Project
a slip case with a black box with a window with a grid with 2 crumpled pieces of paper with a grid resting on a cushioned layer, 7 x 9 x 3 cm, 2007 (Subscription Editions #4)
EUR 65,00
Myers Project Record Record Project
MU Myers Project Record Record Project

Riello, Antonio
"make all your fantasies come true": a spray can in a cardboard box, with Italian and Engl. text, numbered/100, signed, (1998)
EUR 57.-
MU Riello Burundanga.JPG
MU Riello Burundanga

Roth, Vera (senior)
small oval wooden thing, hand painted lid with flower motive to maybe put tiny objects in
one from a series of original objects
EUR 120.-
MU Roth Vera sr small oval wooden thing.jpg
MU Roth (Vera sr) small oval wooden thing

Roth, Dieter
tower from jars, tin cans and small plastic containers glued together, with a lead weight at the bottom, edition/200 different constructions, signed, 1985
(price on request)
Roth Cuptower 2
MU Roth cuptower

Roth, Dieter
a mixture of rabbitshit and straw in the shape of a rabbit, numbered/200 or /XXVI, signed, 1972/87
(price on request)
Roth Köttelhase
MU Roth Kottelhase

Rühm, Gerhard
cardboard box with pencil, pencil sharpener + eraser, numbered/80, signed, (Köln) 1985
(price on request)
Ruhm Beichtgeheimnis
MU Ruhm Beichtgeheimnis

Rühm, Gerhard

Offen Bar Zu Gegen

4 colour print on a FOLDED CARD with pop up effects, numbered/70, signed, (Köln) 1997

(price on request)
MU Ruhm Offen Bar Zu Gegen.JPG
MU Ruhm Offen Bar Zu Gegen

Scholten, Els
BOX with cards with reproduced paintings and a card stand, numbered/4, Roma 1993-1994
EUR 113,50
MU Scholten Fofin.JPG
MU Scholten Fofin

Scholten, Els
You'd Be So Nice To Come Home To
BOX with 3 dimensional puzzle, numbered/3, 1999
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MU Scholten You'd Be So Nice To Come Home To.JPG
MU Scholten Youd Be So Nice To Come Home To

Schulz, Marc
old socks tied up in a knot with paper teeth and big white eyes, and attached with a safety pin a piece of paper with the title, the signature and the year: 2002
EUR 17.-
MU Schulz Negerhasi.jpg
MU Schulz Negerhasi

Sips, Roland
Delft Blauw
ceramic plates with painted on images, signed, 1993
EUR 440.-
MU Sips Delft Blauw.JPG
MU Sips Delft Blauw

Telephone-Table Puzzle
by the Roth-Family
cardboard box with a double-sided puzzle of a densely recto verso scribbled-on telephone mat and the reproductions of both sides of the mat, numbered/60, signed by Björn + Dieter Roth, Basel 1994
(price on request)
telephone-table puzzle
MU Telephone-Table Puzzle by the Roth Family

produced by the artists of Boekie Woekie:
Thorkelsdóttir, Rúna
A And B
mounted on 2 hinged pieces of cardboard: a dried, painted-on slice of apple and banana, numbered/10, signed, 1996
EUR 136,50
MU Thorkelsdottir A And B.jpg
MU Thorkelsdottir A And B

produced by the artists of Boekie Woekie:

Thorkelsdóttir, Rúna
Cup Of Wisdom
cuplike book object, cut out of random book, painted, ed/2 samples, signed, 1985
EUR 200.-
MU Thorkelsdottir Cup Of Wisdom.jpg
MU Thorkelsdottir Cup Of Wisdom

produced by the artists of Boekie Woekie:
Thorkelsdóttir, Rúna
frost-split stones, painted-on on the break surfaces, unlimited ed/different samples, signed, since 1991
from EUR 681.- upwards
MU Thorkelsdottir Frostbruch.jpg
MU Thorkelsdottir Frostbruch

produced by the artists of Boekie Woekie:
Thorkelsdóttir, Rúna
a loaf of bread painted as a distant mountain, numbered/5, signed, 1991
EUR 263,50
MU Thorkelsdottir Mountain

produced by the artists of Boekie Woekie:
Thorkelsdóttir, Rúna
Pots Blitz
(flower)pots, first broken, then reassembled, then painted in cold and clear Icelandic colours, numbered/15, signed
from EUR 272,50 upwards
MU Thorkelsdottir Pots Blitz

produced by the artists of Boekie Woekie:
Thorkelsdóttir, Rúna
3 painted breads on a chair, numbered/3, signed, 1990
EUR 1815,50
MU Thorkelsdottir Prime

produced by the artists of Boekie Woekie:

Thorkelsdóttir, Rúna
a "mountain", sawn out of a random book, cover painted, ed/ 20 samples, signed, 1985
EUR 127,50 for each "mountain"
MU Thorkelsdottir Untitled Mountains 1.jpg  MU
                Thorkelsdottir Untitled Mountains 2.jpg
MU Thorkelsdottir Untitled mountain

produced by the artists of Boekie Woekie:
Thorkelsdóttir, Rúna
serie of small original paintings of a dark blue "sky" with "stars", numbered/20, signed, 1988/94
EUR 91.-
MU Thorkelsdottir Untitled sky with stars

produced by the artists of Boekie Woekie:
Two Lips From Amsterdam
by Boekie Woekie, 2 versions: an unbleached cotton t-shirt in M, L, or XL with a screen print in 3 colours, and a white t-shirt with short sleeves in S, M, L, XL, or XXL with the same screen print in 3 colours (both versions are loose-fitting)
check the shopping cart section of for the availability of this item
MU Two Lips From
                  Amsterdam Svana.jpg MU Two Lips
                  From Amsterdam.JPG
MU Two Lips From Amsterdam 2 versions

Vautier, Ben
Total Art Matchbook
a matchbook with 30 matches to be used “to destroy all art museums  - art library’s etc. … burn anything, keep last match for this matchbook”, recreation of an idea from 1964 for Lightworks, Birmingham 1982
EUR 35.-
Vautier Total
      Art Matchbook
MU Vautier Total Art Matchbook

Verdijk, Ans

Het Gehang V.H. Intellect

(on the occasion of an exhibition,) this is only in a very expanded sense a “book”, it is made as it were from slices of an anonymous book, the idea seems to be that it can be worn by a person with a small enough head, held together by 2 ribbons, no pages, 45 x 18 cm, (Arnhem 1987)

EUR 18,00
MU Verdijk Het Gehang V.H. Intellect.JPG
MU Verdijk Het Gehang V.H. Intellect

Visch, Valentijn
a dutch short cut to never getting to three, numbered/50, signed on a separate card, 1997
EUR 75.-
Visch Drie
MU Visch Drie

produced by the artists of Boekie Woekie:

Voss, Jan

11 Zelte or 11 Tents

envelope with 11 tent-like labels for stones the owner should select himself, numbered, signed, since 1996

EUR 91.-

MU Voss 11 Zelte or 11 Tents

by the artists of Boekie Woekie:
Voss, Jan
unfolded painted-on archive box in frame, numbered, signed, since 1986
EUR 299,50
MU Voss Archiefdoos

produced by the artists of Boekie Woekie:
Voss, Jan
Aus Dem Werkzeugschrank Eines Bilderstürmers
3 pliers, hanging/working differently on their nails, numbered, signed, 1996
EUR 150.-
MU Voss Aus Dem Werkzeugschrank Eines
MU Voss Aus Dem Werkzeugschrank Eines Bildersturmers

produced by the artists of Boekie Woekie:
Voss, Jan
Eine Frage Kommt Selten Allein
canvas on frame, numbered, signed
EUR 365.-
MU Voss Eine Frage Kommt Selten Allein

produced by the artists of Boekie Woekie:

Voss, Jan


a peanut, held by a toy-globe holder, painted green (the continents) and blue (the oceans), reminding of a deformed globe with the map of the world, can also to be used to sharpen pencils, about 8 cm high, numbered/20, signed, (Amsterdam) 2011

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MU Voss Erdnuss.jpg
MU Voss Erdnuss