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As from Feb. 2nd, 2019 this page will no longer be updated. New books and other new items for sale in Boekie Woekie are now added to the shopping cart website Though some prices on this page may have changed, most of what is listed here is still available. Please mail your order or question to |
een tijdschrift over
eenzaamheid, editor Christian
van der Kaap, text and or image contributions by several
contributors, stapled, 66 pages, 22 x 28 cm, Gent 2012
Cadernos De Desenho
a book with some photographs and a lot of drawings by Aline Dias and several others, with text in Portuguese, soft cover, 18 x 13,5 cm, 278 pages, Florianopolis 2011
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Cador, Amir (Ed.)
Ainda: O Livro Como
Performance Yet.
The Book As A Performance
“The artist books are
works of art that can follow us anywhere anytime. This
exhibition shows a group of art works that are performance and
books at the same time, so that what was temporary becomes
permanent, what was unique can be indefinitely repeated”,
catalogue of an artists’ book exhibition at the Museu de Arte
da Pampulha, contains full colour and full page photographs of
the exhibition, many reproduced art works, and several essays
(Portuguese/English) by Amir Brito Cador,
soft cover, 21 x 14 cm, 100 pages, Belo Horizonte 2015
Cahiers Collection-Limited Edition
collected and edited by Ewoudt Boonstra, Erik
Kassels, René Nuijens and Jennifer Skupin,
box 18,5 x 24 x 5,5 cm, with 10 signed books ed/50, books: American
Zoo, Anonymous, Bad Food Gone
Worse, Bangkok Beauties, Bombay
Beauties, Brussels Beauties, Couples,
Photo Cubes, Strangers In My Photo Album,
Tree Paintings
EUR 195,00
Cain, Séamas
one sheet with a
text by Victor
Infantes in 3 languages and 2 folded sheets twice the
size, loose in a folder 40 not numbered pages, 22,5 x 22,5 cm,
text: Catalan, (Mataró) 2006
EUR 12.-
Calleja Tiempos Verbales
Campbell, Brian Scott
Zing Zang
the occasion of an exhibition with the same title at Harbinger
in the summer of 2017, featuring 24 artists from Iceland and
the U.S., the catalogue contains reproduced drawings by some
of the artists and poems by Chris Hutchinson, the
whole catalogue is printed in blue on white rather thick
paper, soft cover, 19 x 14 cm, 32 pages, numbered ed/150,
Reykjavík n.y.
EUR 19,50
Zing Zang Blunder
Campert, Remco
In Those Days
poems (translated into English by Donald Gardner),
soft cover, 88 pages, 23,5 x 15,5 cm, Nottingham 2014
EUR 17,50
Bellmer On Baseball Caps
monochrome, screen printed drawings of spooky figures,
stapled, 15 x 11 cm, 16 not numbered pages, numbered/125,
Berlin 2016
EUR 6,50
Cantrell, Daniel
Owl Burn
a collaboration between Daniel Cantrell
& Gfeller +
thrilling scenes and picture stories featuring uncanny
figures and smileys, screen-printed by hand in vibrant
colours, sewn, 24,5 x 16,5 cm, 16 not numbered pages,
numbered/160, Berlin 2016
Caramelle, Ernst
Panorama Der Retrospektiven
a catalog listing
exhibitions and publications, accompanied by numbered, empty
squares instead of images, text in German, soft cover, 24 x 17
cm, 180 not numbered pages, Berlin 1990
EUR 35.-
Carbonell, Nacho
What Is (Still) Natural
In An Experience Economy?
Onomatopee 50.7, soft cover,
23 x 17 cm, 64 pages,
Cariglia, Nick
Past Performances
a collection of 21 poems in
English, many of them contain philosophical or political
reflections, soft cover, 24,5 x 16 cm, 52 not numbered pages,
Akureyri 1983
EUR 10,50
Carrión, Ulises
EUR 32.-
Carrion De Diefstal Van Het Jaar El Robo Del Ano The
Robbery Of The Year
Ulises Carrión & The Big Monster
C.’s writings on mail art and review of his mail projects,
edited by Juan J.
Agius, with a text by Heriberto Yepez
(both English and Spanish), richly illustrated, soft cover,
160 pages, 26,5 x 20 cm, Geneva 2014 (this is one of 15 Roman
numbered editor’s proof copies)
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availability of this item
Ulises Carrion & The Big Monster
(Carrión, Ulises)
Ulises Carrión Die Neue
Kunst Des Büchermachens
German translation of the
famous essay by Carrión, which explores the nature and form of
the book in the ‘new art’ as opposed to the ‘old art’, on the
occasion of an exhibition at the Neues Museum Weserburg
Bremen, with b/w photographs, text in German, soft cover, 21 x
21 cm, 24 not numbered pages, ed/1000, Bremen 1992
EUR 14,50
Casellas, Joan
Bones Accions 1991-1992
texts by Arnau Puig,
Gloria Bosch, Carme Ortiz in Catalan, Castilian and
English, soft cover, 64 pages, 20,5 x 14,5 cm, Barcelona
EUR 11,50
Casellas Bones Accions 1991-1992
Casellas, Joan
Vint-I-Una Accions
20 b/w photographs with brief texts which (I figure) are scores
for actions of this action poet, stapled, 12 not numbered pages,
21 x 15 cm, (Barcelona)
EUR 5,00
Casellas Vint-I-Una Accions
Casellas, Joan see also
Caspari, Arthus
Das Buch Aller Lieder
mit 10 Bildern von Hans
Platschek, ed/1000, Berlin 1980
EUR 18.-
Caspari Das Buch Aller Lieder
Caspari, C.
see also
BOOKS/D Der Pauker + Scharniere
Cassée, Dick
Scotland Photography
beautiful photographs of the nature and landscape in Scotland, each photo is marked with its location and the year it was captured, with a poem by Thomas A. Clark, soft cover, 16,5 x 21 cm, 60 not numbered pages, ed/300
EUR 34.-
Castelyns, Frank JMA
reproduced photographic
works and an English text (an encounter with the art of Frank
JMA Castelyns) by Adriaan
Gonnissen (added on a separate sheet in Dutch), stapled,
with dust jacket from transparent plastic, 26 pages, 27,5 x 21
cm, numbered/300, signed, Antwerpen 2013/14
EUR 54.-
Castillo Deball,
Never Odd Or Even
24 dust jackets for books which don’t exist by 18 contributors to
a project by M.C.D., Frankfurt 2005
EUR 95.-
Castillo Deball Never Odd Or Even
Castro, Lourdes
printed silhouettes of plants and people on different kinds
of partly translucent paper, soft cover, 52 not numbered
pages, 20 x 30 cm, signed, Antwerpen 1974
(price on request)
Castro D Ombres
Catalogus Van Wat Er Is Uitgegeven Door
Boekie Woekie images of the former Dutch Guilders bills and coins printed in gold: an ironical version of a publisher’s catalogue, stapled, 12 not numbered pages, 21 x 15 cm, Amsterdam 1993 EUR 8,00 ![]() Catalogus Van Wat Er Is Uitgegeven Door Boekie Woekie |
Cavafy, Constantin
poetry in French, translated from Greek
by Ange S. Vlachos, soft
cover, 196 pages, 21 x 15 cm,
Guglielmo Achille
Nemo Propheta In Patria
on the occasion of an exhibition at
Museum Weserburg, stapled, 21 x 15 cm, 14 not numbered pages,
Bremen 2014
EUR 4.-
Kitakyushu Research Program 2010-11
by five different artists that include photographs, a
photocopied book, drawings and texts among other things, soft
cover, 21 x 15 cm, 78 not numbered pages,
EUR 14,50
Cella, Bernhard
Incubation Douce
photographs of homeless
people or some situations of homelessness and a repeated
multilingual questionnaire text, soft cover, 19 x 23 cm, 112
not numbered pages, Austria 2006
EUR 40.-
Cella, Bernhard
Jahrbuch Kunst Österreich
52 Einsichten in das Österreichische Kunstgeschehen, an art calendar in which the reader may document a year’s worth of experiences with art in Austria using the (textual) tools provided in this book, with many colourful graphs and schemes, text in German, hard cover, 22 x 14,5 cm, 152 not numbered pages, numbered/1000, Wien 1995
EUR 56,00
Cella, Bernhard
Weihnachtsbäume. Band 1
40 b/w found photos of
decorated indoor Christmas trees and 2 Christmas tree outdoors
with snow on their branches, hard cover,
21,5 x 17 cm, 48 not numbered pages, numbered/500, signed,
Vienna 2004
Cella, Bernhard
Weihnachtsbäume. Band 2
48 b/w found photos of
decorated in-door Christmas trees accompanied by children and
1 photo of 1 Christmas tree outdoors decorated by
snow and a child, hard cover, 21,5 x 17 cm, 48 not numbered
pages, numbered/500, signed, Vienna 2004
Cella, Bernhard
Weihnachtsbäume. Band 3
68 b/w found photos of
decorated Christmas trees and people, hard cover,
21,5 x 17 cm, 62 not numbered pages, numbered/500, signed,
Vienna 2004
Cennetoglu, Banu
Centre Ville
by Bert Schierbeek
(text), Willem Snitker
(image), IFF (since long
evaporated smell), Harry
Sparnaay (sound), BOX numbered/100, signed by all 4,
Bergen 1993
EUR 45,50
Centre Ville
by 35 post graduate students of the Slade School of Fine Art and 3
members of the staff, including Prof. Bruce McLean, the new Rome Scholar and many other
postgraduates with noteworthy scholarships and awards, each artist
has contributed 100 original works or prints to compile a limited
edition of 100, accordingly each “copy” is different from the
others, a unique investment in a collection of contemporary
artists’ work, spiral bound, 25,5 x 21 cm, numbered/100, London
EUR 180.-
Chapette, André D.
Crawl no 1
a comic story told with pen
drawings and words, “workcenter 232 has offered me the
opportunity to produce a humble publication with the sole
restriction of using the residency’s xerox machine.
As such, I’m proud to
present the first issue of crawl, an independent story serial
relating to the author’s 21st century concerns
about animisme, semiology and other nerdy concerns”, stapled
zine, 21 x 15 cm, 52 not numbered pages, Amsterdam 2014
EUR 5.-
Charmov, Cozette de
Mon Centimetre Volant
stapled, 10,5 x 14,5 cm, 16
not numbered pages, volume 15 from the series collextion,
ed/500, 1977
EUR 20.-
Charon, Mavado
Tony Duvert On Grindr
monochrome, screen printed drawings of violent
and explicit scenes, stapled, 15 x 11 cm, 16 not numbered
pages, numbered/125, Berlin 2016
EUR 6,50
Chemin, Isabelle
Ouverture La Compagnie Des
a selection of reproduced historical
b/w snapshots that ‘open up a space between the ordinary and
the extraordinary’, text in French, soft cover, 21 x 15 cm,
48 not numbered pages, numbered/350, n.p. 2018
EUR 12.-
Ouverture La Compagnie Des Snapshoters
Chen, Belinda
The Journey
a beautifully made book with a screen printed picture story featuring Billy the Bear and the Fish Men exploring imaginary lands, wooden cover, concertina format, 14 x 20 cm folded, 14 x 232 cm unfolded, ed/25, n.p. 2012
EUR 79.-
Chernajovsky, Nora
Chiari, Guiseppe
Treatise On Music
a concrete poem expressing
reflections on music, text in English, stapled, 21 x 14,5 cm,
16 numbered pages, ed/300, Köln 1993
EUR 16.-
by Claire Barrow and
Eloise Parry, a
mixture of photographs, watercolour, ink and pencil
drawings, many of the pictures have the sense of
carelessness and other are quite gloomy, mostly big images
that spread over two pages, soft cover, 30 x 21 cm,
66 not numbered pages,
Choi-Ahoi, Kyung-Hwa
Buchstäbliche Zeichnungen - Zeichnerische Buchstaben
diarylike texts and drawings, ed/200, Hamburg 1999
EUR 17.-
Choi-Ahoi Buchstabliche Zeichnungen - Zeichnerische
Chollier, Alexandre
Du Cairn
reflections on the cairn, a man-made pile of stones, and its
presence in cultures all over the world, with drawings by Marc De Bernardis,
text in French, soft cover, 19 x 13 cm, 200 numbered pages,
Genève 2010
EUR 30.-
Cholmogorowa, Inga
Invitation Now-Here
selected works 2003-2013 and
performance/butoh dance: descriptions in words and photographs
of site specific installations, interventions, life
performances/dance, hard cover, concertina format, folded up
18,5 x 13 cm, unfolded 300 x 13 cm, numbered/100, signed, n.p.
(Chopin, Henri)
Henri Chopin Revue OU Collection
Chopin in conversation with
Guy Schraenen about
the periodical ‘Revue OU’, with b/w images of contributions
(visual poems) to ‘Revue OU’ by various artists, on the
occasion of an exhibition, soft cover, stapled, 21 x 21 cm, 24
not numbered pages, ed/1000, Bremen 1993
EUR 14,50
Chopin, Henri
Portrait Des 9
Concrete poetry and text in
french on slightly transparant paper, numbered/480, signed,
Antwerpen, 1975
EUR 300.-
Chou, Sabrina
Body Shop
“Body Shop is a meeting
point for butchers and tailors.” A satirical poem about the
body, the cover page is made out of patterned tailor paper,
stapled, 24x 16 cm, 4 not numbered pages, Rotterdam 2016
EUR 12.-
Civic Virtue
Civic Virtue are Finnbogadottir Hjorvar, Brian McKenna, Ruchama Noorda and Gijsbert Wahl, an illustrated interview of the artists by Tim Voss on the occasion of an exhibition, stapled, 21 x 16 cm, 32 pages, ed/500, Amsterdam 2013
EUR 6.-Clark, Jason
Out, Ditched & Deserted
22 reproduced small ink
drawings of cars abandoned amongst trees, soft cover, 32
not numbered pages, 17,5 x 13,5 cm, Clonmel 2008
EUR 13.-
Clark Driven Out, Ditched & Deserted
Classen, Martin
on the occasion of an exhibition, a documentation (photocopies in
colour of slides) of a "Photoaktion", numbered/100, signed, Köln
EUR 13,50
Classen Schau-Schau
Il Poeta Volante
richly illustrated catalogue with texts in Italian and
French (and occasionally English) by Melania Gazzotti, Sybren Polet, Sarenco, David J.
Thompson, Jean de Vree, Paul de Vree, Nicole Zanoletti,
hard cover, 174 pages, 33 x 23,5 cm, ed/1500, Brescia 2008
EUR 40,00
Clavin Il Poeta Volante
Clavin, Hans
a collection of visual
poetry, 134 not numbered pages, soft cover, 21 x 15 cm,
Amsterdam 1973
EUR 100.-
Clemmesen, Christine
soft cover, 27 x 16 cm, 44
pages, numbered ed/300, text in English, Köbenhavn 2014
Clercq, Hugo de
Frame Works
stapled, 10,5 x 14,5 cm, 8
not numbered pages, volume 9 from the series collextion,
ed/500 1976/2,
EUR 20.-
Cobbing, Bob
Kob Bok
texts selected by B.C. and Jennifer Pike,
soft cover, 15 x 15 cm, 118 not numbered pages,
Buckfastleigh 1999
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I'm That Angel
the book "explores the conditions of how we work on
and against the computer, narrated from the perspective
of a "content farmer": an emergent type of online
journalist contracted to generate articles based on
words peaking in Google Trends. As a text, I'm That
Angel takes shape as a stony stone, a cut in the
stream - a book. Its format shores up the paraliterary,
confessional, and epistolary precedements for our
virtual vernaculars. Designed by Erik Nylund,
the pages concretize found quotes, trending
language, anecdotes, notes and rants, call it inattentionality
as method.", soft cover, 94 not numbered
pages, 23 x 15 cm, Los Angeles 2012
EUR 27,50
Coburn I m That Angel
Code Duello
EUR 24,50
Code Duello
Shop Guide Amsterdam 2014
the title speaks for itself, soft cover,
15 x 15 cm, 184 not numbered pages,
EUR 12,50
Cohen, Joel
Amerikan Spectacles II
poems and prose reflecting
on American scenes, text in English, soft cover, 21,5 x 14 cm,
56 numbered pages, ed/1000, New York 1977
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section of for the availability
of this item
Coleman, Les
Coleman, Les Afterthunks a book of 200 new sharp sentences and 15 new drawings, with a foreword by N.F.Simpson, layout by Colin Sackett, soft cover± 48 not numbered päges, 16 x 12,5 cm, ed-500 copies, signed on the cover, Amsterdam 2011 EUR 12.- Coleman Afterthunks |
Coleman, Les
Another Book
On publishing – presenting
found notes of years or dates of publishing or republishing of
some unknown books, soft cover, 18,5 x 13,5 cm, 106 not
numbered pages, 2012
Coleman, Les
Dirt & Other Works
40 years of objects, sculptures and installations many of which of
a temporal nature documented by photographs and texts with an
essay by David Briers and
a brief biography, soft cover, 96 pages, 21,5 x 15,5 cm, Clonmel
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Coleman Dirt & Other Works
Flux Paper Events Reconsidered
of the same size and with the same treatment of the pages as in
Maciunas, George Flux Paper Events (see BOOKS/M), the
difference here being that L.C. uses already existing, printed
booklets with different contents, stapled, 21 x
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availability of this item
Coleman Flux Paper Events Reconsidered
Coleman, Les
Imperfect Sense
volvelle with a window for 20 clever remarks, diameter 15 cm,
(London) 2005
EUR 10.-
Coleman Imperfect Sense
Coleman, Les
Meet The Art Students Now
In Glorious Crayon
funny drawings in colour accompanied by funny texts, soft cover, 64 pages, 21 x 15 cm, London 2002
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section of for the availability
of this item
Coleman Meet the Art Students Now In Glorious Crayon
Coleman, Les
The Art Of Merchandising
a brief play, 4 not numbered pages, 18,5 x 13 cm, London 2012
EUR 14.-
Coleman The Art Of Merchandising
Coleman, Les
a collection
of L.C.’s clever sentences, accompanied by clever drawings,
hard cover, 44 not numbered pages, 15 x 11 cm, Nr.12 of the
series “C’est mon dada”, Dugort 2007
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Coleman Thunks
Coleman, Les
observations in words and
images, 62 pages, 19 x 13,5 cm, dust jacket, Stockholm 2002
Coleman, Les see also
Street Works 1971-1975
reproduced handwritten
texts (in English) and b/w photographs documenting art
performances and paintings done by Colette in and on the
streets in the early seventies, stapled, 15 x 19 cm, 48 not
numbered pages, ed/100, (Paris) 2016
check the shopping cart
section of for the availability
of this item
risograph-printed images in b/w (except
for the red cover) of digital drawings that show beautiful
abstract shapes that all have that in common that they seem to
be floating around the pages, stapled, 28,5 x 20,5 cm, 16 not numbered pages, Paris
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Collaborations Of
by Richard Hamilton + Dieter Roth, on the
occasion of an exhibition, reproduced works and texts, soft
cover, 128 pages, 23 x 17 cm, Stuttgart Cadaqués 1977
EUR 45.-
Relations - Confrontations
a book about the collaborations of Richard Hamilton and
Dieter Roth, with
an introduction by V.Todolí
and texts by E.Lullin
and E.Williams,
many works reproduced in colour, on the occasion of an
exhibition in Porto, hard cover, 212 pages, 24,5 x 31,5cm,
London Porto 2003
EUR 49.-
Collaborations Relations - Confrontations
Collectif Fact
cover, 22,5 x 16,5 cm, 66 pages, text in French and English,
Collextion 1
+ Collextion Suite
2 slip cases, one with 10 booklets: one each by E.Bal,
Bary, M.Gibbs, B.Bogart, Adzak, Maglione, J.Belis, S.Esmeraldo, Clerq, Aeschbacher, the other with 5 booklets by L.del
Pezzo, K.Ritterbusch, G.Minkoff, B.Villers, Charmoy,
numbered/500, Antwerpen 1975/76
EUR 220.-
Collextion 1 Collextion Suite
Comello, Dirk
Chemineés Rustiques
hard cover, 28,5 x 21,5 cm, 76
numbered pages, text in French, signed ed/150, Enschede 2014
Commonpress 16, Artists’
Postage Stamps
edited by Guy Schraenen, with
31 contributors on artists postage stamps 1979, comes in an
sealed folder with loose sheets, 21 x 15,5 cm, ed/100 signed
by Guy Schraenen,
Compleet Nu
EUR 5,00
Compleet Nu
Art For Dummies
soft cover, 23 x 18,5 cm,
about 300 blank pages,
drawings and brief texts the
participants (Martin
Fidler, Les Coleman, Steve Wheatley, Stephen
Duncalf, John Digby) mailed to each other to react on,
the book shows the thus resulting chain of “consequences”, soft cover, 15 x
15 cm, 68 not numbered pages,ed/750, London 1980
Contreras, Sebastián Arancibia
Letter to an unknown
Based on the author’s
personal experiences ‘Carta de Porto’ is a postal exercise
directed to a universal recipient. This exercise of writing
from the intimacy to an unknown receptor constitutes one of
the absurd fictional acts that are part of this work. This
object sets various situations that are outdated in their
material qualities, being expressed as mismatches between
what is communicated and how it is communicated, thus
generating after greater reflection the feeling that the
author wants to remove the focus of attention from the text
itself, envelope 12,5 x 15,5 cm, 2nd ed/50, n.p. 2018
EUR 6.-
Contreras Letter to an
Contributions To
Knowledge # 4/5
small sack as double issue
edited by Ted Purves
with environmental projects by Joe Catalano, Susanne
Cockrell, Simon Cutts & Laurie Clark, Herman de Vries,
Chris Drury, George Gessert, Anna Hepler, and Mogens Otto Nielsen,
containing multiples, a video tape, a CD, peat drawings, texts
and a fragment of a forest, numbered/100, Vries'
contribution is signed, Oakland 1998
Conversas 1 Anna Paula
Lima E Ben Vautier
hard cover, 16 x 11 cm, 52
pages, text in Portuguese and English,
Conversas 2 Fabio Morais
e Marila Dardot
hard cover, 16 x 11 cm, 96
pages, text in Portuguese and English,
EUR 11,50
by Einar Gudmundsson +
Jan Voss, with an
Icelandic/German conversation, the 2 speakers incompetent of
the language of the other, original ed/100: one booklet partly
Icelandic partly German, signed by both, Reykjavík Amsterdam
Berlin 1975
EUR 120.-
Conversation 1
by Einar Gudmundsson +
Jan Voss, with an
Icelandic/German conversation in a first booklet (the reprint
of an earlier edition), the 2 who speak are incompetent of the
language of the other therefore a 2nd booklet is added: the
translation of the 1st by Magnús Pálsson + Dieter Roth, both
booklets stapled, 18 x 14 cm, 1st booklet 32 pages, 2nd
booklet 22 pages, ed/1000, Bruxelles Hamburg 1977
EUR 20.-
Conversation 2
text by Jennifer K.Dick
images by Kate van Holten,
soft cover, 10 x 20 cm, 7
poems each of them as loose folder, comes in a slipcase, text
in English,
numbered ed/50,
EUR 59.-
(Conz, Francesco)
Edizioni Francesco Conz
Leinwände/Tele/Works On Cloth
published on the occasion of an
exhibition with a text by Andreas Hankemeyer
and an interview with Francesco Conz by Elena Bini and Petra Guidi, text
in German, English and Italian, illustrated with reproduced works by Philip Corner, John
Giorno, Eugen Gomringer, Dick Higgins, Robert Lax, Ann
NoëlGerhard Rühm, Emmett Williams, stapled, 24 x 16,5
cm, 24 not numbered pages, Bolzano 2007
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Edizioni Francesco Conz Leinwande Tele
Works On Cloth
Cook, Jo
with references to the Galium Aparine plant,
and a few collaged pencil and pen illustrations on ruled
paper, the cover is letterpressed and the end sheets are
wonderfully blue. stapled, 16 not numbered pages,
19,5 x 13,5 cm, Vancouver 2014
Cook, Jo
poems that relate to eyes and seeing, words are scrambled up
and repeated in different forms and have a nice rhythm,
beautiful paper used for the illustrated, sticker-collaged
frontpage. stapled, 21 x 13,5 cm, 14 not numbered
special edition of E(ye(s)ee),
comes in a letterpressed envelope, 23 x 16 cm, 20 not
numbered pages, accompanied by a folded letterpress poster,
numbered/12, signed, 2010
EUR 16,00
Cook, Jo
The book consists of “photocopied pages of early astronomical, astrological and alchemical treatises”, that have become nearly unreadable, as well as oil pastel drawings of star forms on coloured paper. Every copy of the book is different, soft cover, 27,5 x 21,5 cm, 34 not numbered pages, 2013
EUR 78.-
Cook, Jo
or ‘Lacnunga’ for overcoming absurd situations in a rather
ceremonious manner, mysterious pictures and pencil drawn
symbols emphasize the magic in the book. stapled, 17
x 13,5 cm, 20 not numbered pages, 2013
Cook, Jo
Sparrows For The
about the early years of the astronomer Johannes Kepler,
with scientific and technical drawings, 3 colour letterpress
dust jacket, sewn, 28 not numbered pages, 21 x 15
cm, Vancouver 2014
Cook, Jo
The Last Four Cows Of
North America
A wacky book of collage and
cut-up poetry, soft cover, 18 x 21 cm, Canada, 2008
On Surd
3 illustrated and beautifully printed articles
transmitted by Emma Gideon-Koch, O.K.
Khlebnikova and Malena Kirlianova are
transcribed by Jo Cook and tell of the Ninth Voyage on Surd,
an exploration into a psychic territory of an ancient, or is
it an imaginary culture, sewn, 22 x 14 cm, 48 pages,
numbered/70, signed, Mayne Island 2009
EUR 24.-
Cooper, Lilian
Sexy Trees
20 colour photographs of
trees with text bands which add up to a poem, sewn, 24 not
numbered pages, 15 x 21 cm, Wilton 2005
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Sexy Trees
Cooper, Lilian
on the occasion of an exhibition, a documented text by Guy Schraenen on photocopying
in art, Bremen 1995
EUR 14,50
The Temptation Of Saint
8 reproduced works: etched
acrylic mirrors from 1977, stapled, dust jacket, 24 x 24 cm,
20 pages, New York 2012
Copy Art Europa
published on the occasion of an
exhibition Art Nurnberg 5 Messehallen April 1990, stapled,
30 x 21,5 cm, 28 not numbered pages, Nurnberg 1990
EUR 15.-
Art Europa
Copy Book Portugal
website says this about this book: “The “Sketch- &
Copybook” was conceived and created within the framework of Walk
& Talk 2013, a multi-dimensional and participative
public art festival that annually transforms the Island of São
Miguel (Pt) in a privileged stage for contemporary art.
While visiting a local
print-atelier we stumbled upon a fresh load of ‘carbon paper
invoice books’, which are still commonly used to do the
bookkeeping. They were simple in design, yet with an authentic
beauty. We decided to keep the look & feel, but gave the
format a different use. It became an object that challenges
creativity and humor, to create, recreate and share. Make a
sketch (& a copy)” a book to draw in and right away create a copy
of each drawing, soft cover, 14 x 20 cm, with space for 59
drawings and as many copies, ed/50, Ghent n.d.
Copy Connection Art Nurnberg 7
published on the occasion of the
exhibition in Art Nurnberg, stapled, 24,5 x 17 cm, 32 not
numbered pages,
EUR 10.-
Copy Connection Art Nurnberg 7
A’dam B’lin
screen printed images of the security contraptions from wire
to keep the cork in bottles of bubbly wines, sewn, 16 not
numbered pages, 16 x 12 cm, Berlin 2011
EUR 18.-
Corn.Elius A dam B lin
a collection of 99 so-called ‘Ovisms’:
“pataphysical primal utterances that call for thorough
interpretation”, strings of words in a made-up language that
have subsequently been rendered into Dutch poems and
sentences with the aid of translation programs and through
some syntactical editing, each unit is accompanied by images
found through a search engine using the imaginary words, an
afterword describes the conception of an imaginary land
called ‘Malaovia’ based on the statistics of the translation
experiment and geographical settings of the languages
recognised by the translation software, text in Dutch, soft
cover, 17 x 12 cm, 204 not numbered pages, numbered ed/300,
Ghent 2016-2017
check the shopping
cart section of for the availability of
this item
Corner, Philip
Piece Of Reality
a stamp (to declare things with as a “piece of reality”), a stamp
pad and a washing pin as a first example of a “piece of reality”
in a box made of transparent plastic with a signed label,
numbered/40, Gran Canaria 2009
EUR 80,00
Corner Piece Of Reality
Corner, Philip
Pieces Of Ideal Reality Dutch Windows
16 reproduced drawings, Köln 1997
EUR 16.-
Corner Pieces Of Ideal Reality Dutch Windows
Corner, Philip
Pieces Of Realities For Some Days: (Italienische Reise)
Köln 1984
EUR 16.-
Corner Pieces Of Realities For Some Days Italienische
Corner, Philip
Rainbow House Hold
BOX with 4 ORIGINAL water colour pictures, numbered/38, each
signed, Köln 1989
EUR 490.-
Corner Rainbow House Hold
Corner, Philip
The Piece Of Reality For
BOX with text band and a
round mirror, numbered/80
Corra, Bruno
Sam Dunn Is Dead
„Sam Dunn is Dead, described by its author as a “Futurist
Novel”, was first published in book form by Filippo Marinetti’s
Edizioni Futuriste. However, one will search in vain for any
mention of this work in anthologies or histories of Futurism. . .
. Not only is Sam Dunn funny, despairing, cerebral and
ludicrous, it also traces a history of the modern spirit. Its
eponymous hero, a poet in languid 1890s mould, unleashes a
thoroughly contemporary apocalypse upon the world. Subsequent
chapters could be taken for Dadaist or Surrealist texts (but
written a decade before their time), and then the whole edifice is
fatally undermined by forces that are both banal and… unusual“,
translation and introduction by John Walker, with by
illustrations by Rosa Rosà, text in English, soft cover,
96 pages, 15 x 17 cm, Eclectics & Heteroclites 16, London 2015
EUR 25.-
Corra Sam Dunn Is Dead
Cosmic Ray’s Good News Newspaper
Ray VarnBuhler puts tongue in the cheek
emphasis on what remains too often not noticed, one
recto/verso folded sheet, unfolded: 43 x 58 cm, Tempe 1978
EUR 15.-
Costa, Claudio
catalogue on the occasion of an exhibition at
Galleria Peccolo in Livorno, Italy, photographs of
sculptures and collaged artworks, with a text by Bruno Corà, Edizi
Roberto Peccolo Livorno 42, text in Italian, soft cover, 26
x 20 cm, 30 not numbered pages, Livorno 2002
EUR 14.-
Couture, Guylaine
12 Good
Reasons To Drink Coffee
soft cover, 8,5 x 10,5 cm, 36 not numbered pages,
EUR 13,00
Couture, Guylaine
A book of drawings in a
yellow soft cover like an envelope, 21,5 x 12 cm, 22 not
numbered pages, Montréal, 2010
EUR 24,00
Couture, Guylaine
Je Vous Souhaite
soft cover, 9 x 10,5 cm, 24
not numbered pages,
Cramer, Daniel Gustav
Boule 2012
the ball game Boule, stapled,
29 x 20,5 cm, 16 not numbered pages, ed/350,
EUR 16,00
Bestandskatalog Sammlung Cremer
on the occasion of an exhibition, with reproductions and various
texts, includes an extensive section on Dieter Roth, Münster 1976
EUR 40.-
Cremer Bestandskatalog Sammlung
Croque La Vie
by Ronan Riou and Marion Molle, a b/w
comic book, mostly done with ink/water colours, about being
bored, online dating, crocs and pickles. The pictures are very
flowing and enjoyable,
stapled, 30 x 21 cm, 32 not numbered pages, comes with a loose
folded poster A3
Cross, Grant Matthew Francis
Cross Currents
edited by J.A.Hoffberg,
on the occasion of an exhibition, of bookworks from the edge of
the Pacific, Pasadena 1991
check the shopping cart section of for the
availability of this item
Cross Currents
Cruickshank, Adam
The Half-Asleep Pilgrim
“This book is the culmination of a project instigated at West
Space in 2011 as a component of their Today Your Love
series of curated exhibitions. A temporary reading library of
over 350 books, catalogues, artist books, leaflets, flyers,
albums, magazines, junk mails, print-outs and pedagogic ephemera
were installed in a specifically designed and constructed
book/display-case/workbench. This reading material was donated
by 37 invited contributors and myself. During the three week
exhibition period, I was resident at the gallery to catalog the
library in order to form the pool of content which makes up this
book: a synthesis of the library, a permanent aggregation of a
temporary collection”, collaged print material from
miscellaneous sources printed in b/w, soft cover, 23 x 15,5 cm,
140 not numbered pages, 2nd ed, Melbourne 2018
EUR 20.-
Cruickshank The Half-Asleep Pilgrim 2nd.ed
Crumb, Robert
Crumb Art & Music
a text by Les
Coleman on the occasion of an
exhibition of items from the collection of L.C., illustrated with
drawings by R.C., stapled, 8 not numbered pages, 14,5 x 10,5 cm,
London 2005
EUR 6,50
Crumb Robert Crumb Art And Music
CRUX # 2
PERIODICAL contributions by several authors, Amsterdam
EUR 9.-
Crux 2
CRUX # 3
PERIODICAL by several contributors, numbered/250, Amsterdam
EUR 9.-
Crux 3
Crystal Day
photographs and poem by Kate Jordahl,
afterword by Sharon
Shoemaker, sewn, soft cover, 16,5 x 13,5 cm, 10 pages,
signed by Kate, Dublin 2014
EUR 25.-
Crystal Day
Cuglia, Linda Carmela
loose bound book 29 x 29 cm, 28 not
numbered pages in a hard cover original canvas-painting,
with some text from Chemical Wedding by Christian
Rosenkrauz and the original Lucia´s Journey, until now
just this example but every book will have an original
canvas painting as a cover, Amsterdam 2016
Culbert, Bill
51 Drawings
drawings were made over the last thirty years using Parker
51 resevoir fountain pens, mostly in school exercise books
and pocket notebooks, and on pieces of A4 office paper.”
The drawings show mundane objects like lamps, jars, chairs
and many resemble sketches for installations. Wonderful
choice of paper and the book has red, blank pages in
between, hard cover, 26,5 x 21 cm, 52
pages, numbered ed/300, Clonmel 2013
EUR 49.-
Culbert, Bill
Making The Light Work
a thorough overview on the artist’s work
through the years, all from sketches and drawings to big
light installations and sculptures, all the text is written
by Ian Wedde, in
the introduction he states that congeniality and
conviviality are the main themes of the book, hard
cover, 25 x 26,5 cm, 270 pages
Culture & Nature
illustrated report on the
Prins Claus awards 2009, soft cover, 23 x 17 cm, 148 pages,
Amsterdam 2009
Curmano, Billy X.
Futurisms Bastard Son
a book representing the
performance work and life of this artist in images and text,
for example his swim down the Mississippi (Swim strokes mimic
brush strokes, leaving impermanent trails that imperceptibly
alter the river’s flow.), soft cover, 28 x 22 cm, 128 numbered
pages, ed/500, (Vienna) 2012
Cutts, Simon
(Oeillets Des Poètes)*
a reference to a painting by Rousseau, folded card with
sewn on dust jacket, in plastc sleeve, 15 x 10 cm, (Clonmel) 2005
EUR 6,00
Cutts Oeillets Des Poetes
Cutts, Simon
A Canticle For Fred Sandback
a folded card with inlaid a folded sheet in an envelope (18,5 x 14
cm), Clonmel 2003
EUR 11.-
Cutts A Canticle For Fred Sandback
Cutts, Simon
A Line Only A Word
The title phrase and it’s
reversal; A word only a line – overlapping in the strange fold
of the transparent paper and then another pair of related
phrases doing the same, soft cover, 16 x 12 cm, 8 not numbered
Cutts, Simon
A New Kind Of Tie
poems with a one page
introduction by Charles
Tomlinson, stapled, 60 not numbered pages, 17,5 x 13
cm, numbered/100, signed, includes on a separate folded
sheet one poem more than the unsigned ed/400, East Markham
Cutts, Simon
a concrete poem
with reflections on the concept behind concrete poems with
b/w photographs of vessels on every page and an index in the
back with information on every vessel depicted, hard
cover, 20 x 18 cm, 28 not numbered pages, numbered ed /300,
Clonmel 2011
Cutts, Simon
An English Dictonary Of French Place Names
a beautiful book of French place names meaningfull in English,
illustrated with 6 photographs, hard cover, 112 not numbered
pages, 22 x 15,5 cm, numbered/300, Clonmel 2004
EUR 59.-
Cutts An English Dictionary Of French Place Names
Cutts, Simon
a previous version of this text with different stanza forms was
printed and published by Colin Sackett in 1997, the form
of the text printed here is its standard rendition, an adaption of
it was made for the rectangular glass panels of the bridge on
which it was sandblasted, crossing the Healey Burn in
Northumberland, in July 1999, Clonmel (1999)
EUR 6,50
Cutts Anyone
Cutts, Simon
Cafe Alt Wien
a text variation on the soup which a galerist had every day for a
month, Clonmel 1999
EUR 10.-
Cutts Cafe Alt Wien
poems, sewn, 24 not numbered pages, 19 x 13 cm,
numbered/300, London 1981
EUR 6,00
Cutts Caravanserai
you will have to ask the author if you need information about this
item of which I can say it is numbered/300 and 17,5 x 12,5 cm,
Clonmel 2004
EUR 23,00
Cutts Eclogues
Cutts, Simon
To A Manual Of Shaker Furniture
“poems” which read as bits
of text found in a Shaker furniture maker’s manual, sewn, 16
not numbered pages, 16 x 12 cm, numbered/300, London 1984
check the shopping cart
section of for the availability
of this item
Cutts Footnotes To A Manual Of Shaker Furniture
Cutts, Simon
Homage To Seurat
a correspondence of the author with the Arts Council
EUR 6,50
Cutts Homage To Seurat
(Cutts, Simon)
I Prefer The Streams Of
The Mountains To The Sea
the history of the poem laid
out in a text by S.C. and with photo documents of its
versions, stapled, 15 x 10,5 cm, 16 not numbered pages,
(Clonmel) 2017
Cutts, Simon
by someone who is both, a visual artist and a poet, soft
cover, 23,5 x 14,5 cm, 126 pages, Axminster 2013
the shopping cart section of for the
availability of this item
Cutts Letterpress
Cutts, Simon
Mr S Mills Visits The
stapled, 10,5 x 15 cm, 16
not numbered pages, 2014
Cutts, Simon
Odéon Océan
word art, concrete poems,
and images, in b/w and green, text in English, hard cover
containing a loose, sewn booklet, 19 x 13 cm, 16 not numbered
pages, numbered/200, London 1982
EUR 11,50
Cutts, Simon
many meanings of the word Onglet described
with cut pages, prints and a recipe. a canvas-textured hard
cover and it comes with a bookmark string, hard
cover, 18 x 12,5 cm, 32 differently shaped pages,
numbered/125, Clonmel 2009
EUR 49,00
Cutts, Simon
Palpa 1-5
a poem in 5 parts, the
presentation of this work in its 3rd form with minor
revisions, text in English, soft cover, stapled, 17,5 x 12,5
cm, 16 not numbered pages, London n.d.
EUR 6,50
Cutts, Simon
Petits-Airs For Margot
poems, cloth bound, hard cover, 48 not numbered pages, 15 x 11,5
cm, 1986
EUR 12.-
Cutts Petits-Airs For Margot
Cutts, Simon
PG Tips
named after the famous brand
of tea, a collection of poems in English, soft cover with dust
jacket, sewn, 18,5 x 12,5 cm, 24 not numbered pages,
numbered/300, London 1981
EUR 9,50
Cutts, Simon
soft cover, 15 x 10 cm, one
opening with text and cut out round forms in front, resembling
the form of the Picadons goat cheese and the text phrasing it.
Sewn, in a little plastic envelope,
EUR 11,00
Cutts, Simon
RSMPS2 The Rubber-Stamp Mini-Printer Series 2
tiny stamped texts, numbered/200, Docking 1995
EUR 30.-
Cutts RSMPS2 The Rubber-Stamp Mini-Printer Series 2
Some Forms Of Availability
passages on The Book and Publication”, S.Cutts in an interview
with Wolfgang Görtschacher
and his response to Steve Clay’s
questionnaire plus considerations in many articles from many
years on a subject which those who ponder on questions as the
distribution of artists’ books will find very worthwhile to
read, soft cover, 176 pages, 21,5 x
EUR 23,50
Cutts Some Forms Of Availability
Cutts, Simon
the score of “Guantanamera“ and the printed on attached inner dust
jacket make this book, sewn and in a sleeve, 4 pages, 13,5 x 15,5
cm, (Clonmel) 2004
EUR 11.-
Cutts Sourcebook
Cutts, Simon
Manifestation Of The Poem
hard cover, 21 x 13,5
cm, 268 not numbered pages,
The Translated Latrine Inscriptions Of The
Palazzo Davanzati
from Italian of a really old type of ‘graffiti’, in a form
of inscriptions on the lavatory walls of Palazzo Davanzati
in Florence, accompanied by small floor plans of the house
marked with the location of each latrine. stapled,
15 x 10,5 cm, 10 not numbered pages, Clonmel 2016
EUR 8,50
Wind Motet
folded card with a tipped in folded sheet with 4 words,
numbered/300, London 1981
EUR 6,50
Cutts Windmotet
Czas I Chwile Time And Moments
published on the occasion of an exhibition with
same title in Czerwiec, Poland, 2000, participants among
others: Jaroslaw
Kozlowski, Roman
Opalka, Richard
Long, Ann Noël,
and Emmett Williams,
soft cover, 29 x 21 cm, 54 not numbered pages, text in
English and Polish, Czerwiec 2000
EUR 20.-
Czernin, Franz Josef
Berlin 1986
EUR 24.-
Czernin Gelegenheitsgedichte
Czurda, Elfriede
Ein Griff =Eingriff
poems, prose, an audio play
script, and other texts, with b/w images, text in German, soft
cover, 15 x 10 cm, 88 numbered pages, ed/1000, Berlin 1978
EUR 18.-
Czurda, Elfriede
Anagramme und Gedichte,
poems and anagrammatic variations on sentences, in German and
some parts in French, soft cover, 15 x 10 cm, 92 numbered
pages, Berlin 1987
EUR 22.-
Czurda, Elfriede
Fast 1 Leben Ein Fragment
poetic texts, soft cover with dust jacket, 62 pages, 21 x 14,5 cm,
Wien 1981
EUR 12.-
Czurda Fast 1 Leben Ein Fragment
Czurda, Elfriede
prose (German), soft cover,
160 pages, 21 x 13 cm, 1st ed., Reinbek bei Hamburg 1985
EUR 15,50
Czurda Signora Julia
Czurda, Elfriede
see also
BOOKS/D Das Confuse Compendium